Quick Access to Screen Brightness Via the iPad Multitray

Nick writes in with the following tip:

Well Nick, we’re not going to lie. We’ve been using SBSettings for so long we, like you apparently, never even looked for this new feature since we had everything we needed in SBSettings. Thanks for sharing!

Score 4.5 GB of Free Dropbox Storage

Kelly writes in with the following Dropbox tip:

As far as scoring free storage goes, that is pretty darn painless. Nice tip!

Banishing Charging Cable Clutter by Packing Multi-Use Cables

Courtney writes in with the following cable decluttering tip:

It seems elementary, but you’re right Courtney: it’s easy to forget to check your cables and just get in the habit of hauling along the cables that came with the devices. If you’re trying to pack light it pays to take a moment and do an inventory of your charging and cabling needs before leaving the house.

My point, if I’m getting a little long winded, is that she had gotten so used to everything needing a cable and a charger that she hadn’t stopped to look and see that they were all virtually interchangeable. After helping her par down the pile, all she really needed was her laptop charger, a USB wall wart (from the iPhone), one micro USB cable and one Apple sync cable. In reality very few of her devices needed to be charged constantly (like the Kindle and her Bluetooth headset), so it wasn’t necessary to bring a powerstrip’s worth of cords.