In this week’s tips roundup we’re taking a look at an easy way to switch between the desktop and Metro UI in Windows 8, enabling God Mode in Windows 8, and changing the color scheme in the Windows 7 Task Manager.

Easily Switch Between Windows 8’s Metro UI and Desktop View

Adam writes in with the following Windows 8 interface tip:

Nice find Adam; it’s always fun to play around with a new OS and tease out new features.

God Mode Still Works in Windows 8

It was a popular week for Windows 8 tips. Graham wrote in with this one:

God Mode was a handy little trick in Windows 7. It’s nice to know it hasn’t sneaked away from us. For readers unfamiliar with the God Mode trick, make sure to check out our article on what you can do with it and how it works here.

To turn on God Mode, create a new folder on your desktop—or anywhere you’d like—and name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.

Change the Graph Colors in the Windows 7 Task Manager

Angelo writes in with a tip that’s great for both those who like to customize Windows and those who suffer from various types of color blindness:

Thanks for sharing Angelo!