Once a week we round up some great tips from the Tips Box and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at cheap LED illumination (waterproof to boot!), emailing files to Dropbox folders, and managing your wallpaper collection.
Set Up Simple LED-Powered Outdoor Illumination
Ted writes in with the following geeky entertainment hack:
As if it weren’t obvious we love to tinker already, we’re already dreaming up ways to make this simple hack even cooler. He notes in the blog entry that the coin cell battery provides enough juice to light the LED anywhere from a few days to over a week depending on the LED. It seems like a great little improvement to this hack would be the introduction of a cheap push button switch so you could toggle the lights on and off without having to take apart the battery/led circuit. Then again, the point of the hack is to create the illumination with as little effort as possible! Thanks for sharing Ted!
Email Files to Dropbox to Manage File Sharing Applications
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Craig writes in with a clever tip regarding using Dropbox to manage your file sharing:
That’s a very ingenious way of going about it, Craig. Thanks for writing in!
Manage and Download Fresh Wallapers with Wally
Deb writes in with the following wallpaper tip:
It’s free and cross-platform to boot. If you’re serious about wallpaper management, this looks like a great pick. Thanks for sharing, Deb!
Have a tip or trick to share? Let’s hear about it! Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com.