Output Your Xbox 360 to Two Screens

Play Video

Len writes in with the following Xbox 360 trick:

That’s a nifty gaming parlor trick, Len. For those readers who want to try it but have an HDMI only Xbox 360, a cheap HDMI splitter can help them realize their two-screen vision.

DIY Spooky Mirror Is a Cheap but High-Tech Halloween Prop

Meredith writes in with the following DIY Halloween project:

We definitely have to agree with your assessment, it looks like a complex and pricey project but all said it’s actually quite simple. Nice find!

Use an Old Flash Drive as a Password Reset

Ben writes in with a tip for getting some use out of your old USB drives:

That is a great use for a really old flash drive, Ben. For those of you following along at home you can check out our guide to setting up a Password Reset Disk in Windows Vista/7 and Windows 8.

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for your trick on the front page.